Room Details And Availability, Standard LeaseTerm
Click on cost to see pictures and floor plan of specific room. All rooms are furnished,
Currently we have 2 room available for 2024.
These are the prices for rooms available during 2024-2025, with any lease term ending on 31 Aug 2025. Rental lease terms from 1 Sept to the following 31 August are our preferred term and the only term we offer for new tenants that start on 1 September 2024. We will consider renting this room on a short term basis until 31 Aug 2024.
Room Details
The cost per month includes everything except parking. Heat, property taxes, electricity, gas, water, broadcast TV, High-speed Internet, WiFi, laundry facilities are all included. We have two furnished room to rent on the first floor and four on the second floor. None of our rooms are in the basement. Parking is extra.
A lease is required and pre-payment of first and last month's rent.
The rooms are furnished with the following items:
- Single bed (typically Maple head and tail boards)
- Computer style desk (click for manufacturer's carton picture)
- Office chair
- Chest of drawers
- Desk lamp (Ikea Espressivo)
- An Upholstered chair (Room 6 is funrished differently)
I bought 5 identical desks. Computer, fax, printer, etc are not supplied! The picture on the left are what you see after I put in a couple of hours of assembly effort. The chest of drawers is typical of the natural wood finish Pine, Birch and Maple furniture that we supply, and you might find at Ikea. See room 3 pictures for other views of this type of desk.
One room has an Ikea bulky tubular metal frame bed with bright primary yellow and red tubes that you see on the left . The photograph taken in room 4 also shows one of the two Ikea Poang chairs that we have in our pool of upholstered chairs. However we can swap the metal bed with one of two extra wood head and tail board beds if requested. See the room 4 pictures for other views of this bed.
All rooms are painted a light beige colour. Most rooms have 1 inch mini white venetian blinds. All upstairs rooms are carpeted and the downstairs rooms have oak hardwood floors. All rooms have a closet and one room (NE) has a 2nd BIG cave closet.
Each room has triple wall outlet jack for telephone, Internet and for cable TV. All rooms have at least 3 duplex receptacles on at least two circuits. We now no longer have a land line for telephone service and we have only our own antenna for 10 local english language stations. We have not subscribed to cable TV for years.
All student rooms are equipped with a lock and key. All of the bedroom doors in the house are fire rated doors with a spring self closing mechanism for safety.
A Brother monochrome laser printer is available on our network for sharing between students who arrive by plane and did not bring a printer. (Or for use if your printer breaks down.) . Please expect to replenish printer consumables, thanks!
Gender preferences
We will consider students of either gender.
You will require:
- Bedding and pillows (If you arrive by airplane, we supply bedding)
- Towels
- 10 Base-T Ethernet cable from RJ45 wall jack to your computer
- If you have a laptop purchased outside North America, a plug adaptor to convert to the North American 2 parallel blade style plug.
You may wish to bring:
- Small HD TV purchased in North America with digital tuner with headphone jack for your room. (a 32" HD TV and DVD player is supplied for group use in the living room)
- Coax cable from wall jack to TV
- Alarm clock (we have a couple of alarm clock / radios that you may borrow)
- Headphones
- Cellular phone
- Bicycle and lock (One student brought a bicycle from Switzerland, you can bring a bike on a plane for an extra fee)
- For your computer: Surge protector bar, USB storage key (flash drive)
After 11:00 PM all TVs, radios and other electronic devices must be muted or used with headphones as a courtesy to others. Therefore if purchasing a TV to bring to your room, look for a headphone jack as one of your selection requirements.